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Weapons & Ammo

These are a general selection of offensive items found throughout the world to help get you started. These are some of the more common items you may run across, including basic, advanced, and some exotic weapons. There are many more weapons to be found. Each character can have 1-4 weapons sheathed on them at a time. Two-handed weapons take up 2 weapon spots while throwing weapons take 1 slot.

Quiwong Weapon Adaptations

The quiwong lack the proper faculties to use traditional weapons. They do however have the ingenuity to overcome this handicap to a degree. Smaller melee weapons such as daggers and maces have been adapted to use on their tails. While one handed firearms have been modified to attach to their gauntlets but hold an additional +5 penalty on attempt to dual wield. They have developed shoulder mounted versions of two handed firearms that have to be synced with a pair of targeting goggles. These weapons deal the same stats as the regular versions of the weapons. Most shops a player comes across in the game will have quiwong versions of weaponry and items found throughout the game may be modified to fit a quiwong player. When discussing adaptations with your gamemaster it is important you both take a grounded look at them as some weapons just do not work. If you throw a whip on your tail you will be more likely to hit yourself than your target.


Weapon: Short Bow, Roll: Dexterity, Ammo: Arrows, Rounds: 1, Damage: 1d6 Piercing, Range: Medium, Requirement: None, Special: None, Price: 329 Tarryns

Weapon: Longbow, Roll: Dexterity, Ammo: Arrows, Rounds: 1, Damage: 1d10 Piercing, Range: Long, Requirement: None, Special: None, Price: 540 Tarryns

Weapon: Tu’vacian Bow, Roll: Dexterity, Ammo: Arrows, Rounds: 1, Damage: 1d6 Piercing, Range: Long, Requirement: Bow Expertise, Strength +2, Special: Full Draw +1d6 Damage & +40' Range, Price: Gifted or Found Only


Weapon: Dagger, Roll: Dexterity, Damage: 1d4 Piercing, Range: Melee, Requirement: None, Special: None, Price: 30 Tarryns

Weapon: Kukri, Roll: Dexterity, Damage: 1d4 Slashing, Range: Melee, Requirement: Dagger Proficient, Special: Critical decapitates target with weapon expertise., Price: 32 Tarryns

Weapon: Dagger of the Watchers, Roll: Dexterity, Damage: 1d4 Piercing, Range: Melee, Requirement: Dagger Proficient, Special: None, Price: Gifted or Taken


Weapon: Short Sword, Roll: Strength, Damage: 1d6 Piercing/Slashing, Range: Melee, Requirement: None, Special: None, Price: 80 Tarryns

Weapon: Scimitar, Roll: Strength, Damage: 1d6 Piercing/Slashing, Range: Melee, Requirement: Sword Proficient, Special: None, Price: 152 Tarryns

Weapon: Cobba, Roll: Dexterity, Damage: 1d6 Slashing, Range: Melee, Requirement: Sword Proficient, Special: Critical hit disarms target with weapon expertise., Price: 476 Tarryns

Weapon: Liquid Metal Sword, Roll: Strength, Ammo: Battery Pack, Rounds: 50 uses per battery., Damage: 1d6 Piercing/Slashing, Range: Melee, Requirement: Sword Proficient, Special: Concealable & Two Handed +1d4 Damage, Price: 10,183 Tarryns

Weapon: Rapier, Roll: Dexterity, Damage: 1d6 Piercing/Slashing, Range: Melee, Requirement: Sword Expertise, Special: Triple striking on critical while single wielding., Price: 330 Tarryns


Weapon: Semi-Automatic Pistol, Roll: Dexterity, Ammo: Pistol Bullets, Rounds: 10, Damage: 1d6 Piercing, Range: Medium, Requirement: None, Special: None, Price: 460 Tarryns

Weapon: Revolver, Roll: Dexterity, Ammo: Rifle Bullets, Rounds: 6, Damage: 1d8 Piercing, Range: Medium, Requirement: None, Special: None, Price: 228 Tarryns

Weapon: Sledge, Roll: Strength, Ammo: Shotgun Shells, Rounds: 3, Damage: 1d12 Piercing, Range: Close, Requirement: Pistol Expertise, Strength +3, Special: 1d4 Bleeding Damage, Price: 1,736 Tarryns


Weapon: Bolt Action Rifle, Roll: Dexterity, Ammo: Rifle Bullets, Rounds: 10, Damage: 1d10 Piercing, Range: Long, Requirement: None, Special: None, Price: 410 Tarryns

Weapon: SDV-3, Roll: Dexterity, Ammo: Rifle Bullets, Rounds: 10, Damage: 1d8 Piercing, Range: Long, Requirement: Rifle Expertise, Special: Sight +1d8, Price: 3,952 Tarryns


Weapon: Light Crossbow, Roll: Dexterity, Ammo: Bolts, Rounds: 1, Damage: 1d6 Piercing, Range: Medium, Requirement: None, Special: Sight +1d4, Price: 438 Tarryns

Weapon: Durro Crossbow, Roll: Dexterity, Ammo: Darts, Rounds: 1, Damage: 1d6 Piercing, Range: Medium, Requirement: None, Special: None, Price: 124 Tarryns

Weapon: Dart Crossbow, Roll: Dexterity, Ammo: Darts, Rounds: 1, Damage: 1d4 Piercing, Range: Close, Requirement: None, Special: None, Price: 125 Tarryns

Weapon: Heavy Crossbow, Roll: Dexterity, Ammo: Bolts, Rounds: 1, Damage: 1d10 Piercing, Range: Long, Requirement: Crossbow Proficient, Special: Sight +1d4, Price: 685 Tarryns


Weapon: Pump Action Shotgun, Roll: Dexterity, Ammo: Shotgun Shells, Rounds: 8, Damage: 1d12 Piercing, Range: Long, Requirement: None, Special: 1d4 Bleeding Damage, Price: 250 Tarryns

Weapon: Semi-Automatic Shotgun, Roll: Dexterity, Ammo: Shotgun Shells, Rounds: 16, Damage: 1d10 Piercing, Range: Long, Requirement: Shotgun Proficient, Special: Sight 1d8, 1d4 Bleeding Damage, Price: 2,250 Tarryns


Weapon: Quarterstaff, Roll: Dexterity, Damage: 1d6 Bludgeoning, Range: Melee, Requirement: None, Special: None, Price: 25 Tarryns

Weapon: Gerston, Roll: Dexterity, Damage: 1d6 Bludgeoning, Range: Melee, Requirement: Level 3 Serpent of Kinja, Special: Shock can be cast through the gerston., Price: Gifted or Found Only

Weapon: Weaver’s Staff, Roll: Intelligence, Damage: 1d6 Bludgeoning, Range: Melee, Requirement: Mage, Special: Staff grants +10 to attacker/defender rolls involving illusion magic., Price: Gifted or Taken

Weapon: Tu’vacian War Staff, Roll: Dexterity, Damage: 2d8 Bludgeoning, Range: Melee, Requirement: Staff Proficient, Special: Gain 1 APR on critical. Effect cannot take place more than once a round., Price: Gifted or Taken


Weapon: Shuriken, Roll: Dexterity, Damage: 1d4 Piercing, Range: Close, Requirement: None, Special: Thrower Proficient and Expertise allow for an addition shuriken., Price: 25 Tarryns

Weapon: Throwing Axe, Roll: Strength, Damage: 1d6 Slashing, Range: Close, Requirement: None, Special: None, Price: 38 Tarryns

Weapon: Dart, Roll: Dexterity, Damage: 1d4 Piercing, Range: Close, Requirement: Thrower Proficient, Special: Expertise allows for additional 2 darts thrown., Price: 52 Tarryns


Weapon: Basic Cobarri, Roll: Dexterity, Ammo: Pebbles, Rounds: 1, Damage: 1d4 Bludgeoning, Range: Medium, Requirement: None, Special: Used to fire enchanted pebbles, Price: 5 Tarryns


Weapon: Basic Falgus, Roll: Dexterity, Ammo: Falgus Shells, Rounds: 1, Damage: Shell Based, Range: Medium, Requirement: None, Special: Fires Enchanted Shells, Price: 1,432 Tarryns


Weapon: 1 Handed Battle Axe, Roll: Strength, Damage: 1d6 Slashing, Range: Melee, Requirement: None, Special: Two Handed +1d4 Damage, Price: 150 Tarryns

Weapon: Bearded Axe, Roll: Strength, Damage: 1d6 Slashing, Range: Melee, Requirement: None, Special: Two Handed +1d6 Damage, Price: 180 Tarryns


Weapon: Glaive, Roll: Strength, Damage: 1d10 + 1d4 Slashing, Range: Close, Requirement: None, Special: None, Price: 673 Tarryns

Weapon: Half Spear, Roll: Dexterity, Damage: 1d8 + 1d4 Slashing, Range: Melee, Requirement: None, Special: Can Be Thrown, Price: 80 Tarryns

Weapon: Spear, Roll: Dexterity, Damage: 1d10 + 1d4 Slashing, Range: Close, Requirement: None, Special: Can Be Thrown, Price: 260 Tarryns

Weapon: Halberd, Roll: Strength, Damage: 1d10 + 1d4 Piercing/Slashing, Range: Close, Requirement: Polearm Proficient, Special: None, Price: 336 Tarryns

Sub Machinegun

Weapon: Machine Pistol, Roll: Dexterity, Ammo: Machinegun Bullets, Rounds: 30, Damage: 1d4 Piercing, Range: Medium, Requirement: None, Special: Burst Fire, Price: 738 Tarryns

Weapon: Assault Rifle, Roll: Dexterity, Ammo: Machinegun Bullets, Rounds: 30, Damage: 1d4 Piercing, Range: Medium, Requirement: Sub Machinegun Proficient, Special: Burst Fire. Can switch to single shot long range fire at +1 difficulty., Price: 1,257 Tarryns


Weapon: Leather Whip, Roll: Dexterity, Damage: 1d6 Slashing, Range: Close, Requirement: None, Special: None, Price: 70 Tarryns

Weapon: Chain, Roll: Strength, Damage: 1d8 Bludgeoning, Range: Melee, Requirement: None, Special: None, Price: 10 Tarryns

Weapon: Severtree, Roll: Dexterity, Damage: 1d6 Slashing, Range: Close, Requirement: Level 5 Serpent of Kinja, Special: 1d12 Poison Damage for 2 Rounds, Price: Gifted, Serpents of Kinja Only


Weapon: Club, Roll: Strength, Damage: 1d4 Bludgeoning, Range: Melee, Requirement: None, Special: None, Price: 18 Tarryns

Weapon: Mace, Roll: Strength, Damage: 1d6 Bludgeoning, Range: Melee, Requirement: None, Special: Two Handed +1d4 Damage, Price: 195 Tarryns

Weapon: Morning Star, Roll: Strength, Damage: 1d8 Bludgeoning, Range: Melee, Requirement: Hammer Proficient, Special: Two Handed +1d6 2 Damage, Price: 245 Tarryns

Weapon: Evdren Mace, Roll: Strength, Damage: 1d6 Bludgeoning, Range: Melee, Requirement: Hammer Proficient, Special: Deals an additional 2d6 Piercing damage to a target's with exposed armor. Critical strikes expose armor for 3 actions., Price: Gifted or Taken


Weapon: Grenade Launcher, Roll: Dexterity, Ammo: Grenade Shells, Rounds: 6, Damage: 2d8 Bludgeoning, Range: Medium, Requirement: Room to fire., Special: 1d6 radial damage for 10 yards, Price: 2,078 Tarryns

Weapon: Rocket Launcher, Roll: Dexterity, Ammo: Rockets, Rounds: 1, Damage: 2d10 Fire, Range: Long, Requirement: Launcher Proficient. Room to fire., Special: 1d8 radial damage for 10 yards., Price: 5,932 Tarryns


Weapon: Grenade, Roll: Strength, Damage: 3d6 Bludgeoning, Range: Medium, Requirement: None, Special: 10' Radius, Price: 83 Tarryns

Weapon: Stun Grenade, Roll: Strength, Damage: None, Range: Medium, Requirement: Explosive Proficient, Special: Stuns all in 10’., Price: 56 Tarryns

Weapon: Flash Grenade, Roll: Strength, Damage: None, Range: Medium, Requirement: Explosive Proficient, Special: 10’ Radial effect of a +5 difficulty to all rolls for 2 rounds., Price: 79 Tarryns

2 Handed Axe

Weapon: 2 Handed Battle Axe, Roll: Strength, Damage: 1d8 + 1d6 Slashing, Range: Melee, Requirement: Axe Proficient, Special: None, Price: 260 Tarryns

Weapon: Valgonni War Axe, Roll: Strength, Damage: 2d8 Slashing, Range: Melee, Requirement: Strength +3 and 2 Handed Axe Proficient., Special: None, Price: Found or Gifted

2 Handed Swords

Weapon: Long Sword, Roll: Strength, Damage: 1d8 Piercing/Slashing, Range: Melee, Requirement: None, Special: +1d4 2 Handed Damage, Price: 225 Tarryns

Weapon: Bastard Sword, Roll: Strength + Brawl, Damage: 1d6 + 1d8 Piercing/Slashing, Range: Melee, Requirement: Sword Proficient, Special: None, Price: 279 Tarryns


Weapon: Chaos Blade, Roll: Strength, Damage: 1d6 + 1d10 Piercing/Slashing, Range: Melee, Requirement: Strength +4, 2 Handed Sword Proficient, Special: Can hit up to 3 melee ranged opponents per swing. Attacks require 2 APR for characters with Strength of less than +4., Price: 11,038 Tarryns

Weapon: Herald’s Might, Roll: Strength, Damage: 1d8 + 1d10 Bludgeoning, Range: Melee, Requirement: Strength +4, 2 Handed Hammer Proficient, Special: Critical knocks back opponents causing 1d6 additional slam damage to 2 opponents. Attacks require 2 APR for characters with Strength of less than +4., Price: 11,038 Tarryns

Energy Weapon

Weapon: Pulse Rifle, Roll: Dexterity, Ammo: Battery Cell + Plasma Tube, Rounds: 50, 2 Action Reload, Damage: 2d6 Energy, Range: Long, Requirement: Rifle Proficient, Special: Sight +1d4, Barrier Piercing, Price: 7,890 Tarryns

Weapon: Plasma Cannon, Roll: Dexterity, Ammo: Battery Cell + Plasma Tube, Rounds: 20, 3 Action Reload, Damage: 2d8 Energy, Range: Long, Requirement: Energy Weapon Expertise, Special: 1d6 radial damage for 10 yards., Price: 50,789 Tarryns

2 Handed Hammer

Weapon: War Hammer, Roll: Strength, Damage: 2d6 Bludgeoning, Range: Melee, Requirement: Hammer Proficient, Special: None, Price: 130 Tarryns

Weapon: Canthcian Ritual Club, Roll: Strength, Damage: 2d8 Bludgeoning, Range: Melee, Requirement: 2 Handed Hammer Proficient, Special: None, Price: Gifted or Found Only


Weapon: MX-7, Roll: Dexterity, Ammo: Machinegun Bullets, Rounds: 30, Damage: 1d4 Piercing, Range: Medium, Requirement: Sub Machinegun Proficient, Special: Full Automatic. Can switch to long range single shot firing at +2 difficulty., Price: 10,782 Tarryns

Weapon: MX-12, Roll: Dexterity, Ammo: Machinegun Bullets, Rounds: 30, Damage: 1d4 Piercing, Range: Medium, Requirement: Machinegun Proficient, Special: Full Automatic. Can switch to long range single shot firing at +1 difficulty., Price: 21,450 Tarryns


Weapon: Flame Wand, Roll: Intelligence, Damage: 1d4 Fire, Range: Medium, Requirement: Caster, Special: None, Price: 21,450 Tarryns

Weapon: Telekinetic Wand, Roll: Intelligence, Damage: 1d4 Bludgeoning, Range: Medium, Requirement: Caster, Special: None, Price: 21,450 Tarryns

Weapon: Healing Wand, Roll: Intelligence, Damage: 1d4 Healing, Range: Medium, Requirement: Caster, Special: None, Price: 21,450 Tarryns


Weapon: Koobari Hand Wraps, Roll: Strength, Damage: +1 Strike Damage, Range: Melee, Requirement: Strike Proficient, Special: +1 Attacker/Defender Roll, Price: 38 Tarryns

Weapon: Goraillian Strikers Gloves, Roll: Strength, Damage: +5 Strike Damage, Range: Melee, Requirement: Strike Expertise, Special: +1 Attack Per Round on Critical, Price: 540 Tarryns

Exotic Weapons

Weapon: Chain Hammer, Roll: Strength, Damage: 1d10 Bludgeoning, Range: Melee/Close, Requirement: Hammer Proficient + Whip Expertise, Special: Critical causes knockdown. Close range attack takes 2 actions., Price: 437 Tarryns

Weapon: 3 Section Spear, Roll: Dexterity, Damage: 1d10 Piercing/Slashing, Range: Melee, Requirement: Spear Expertise, Special: None, Price: 2,879 Tarryns

Weapon: Nunchaku, Roll: Dexterity, Damage: 1d4 Bludgeoning, Range: Melee, Requirement: None, Special: Expertise gives a combo strike when striking a target that is staggered., Price: 38 Tarryns

Weapon: Yingvig Whip, Roll: Intelligence, Damage: 1d4 Slashing, Range: Melee, Requirement: Whip Expertise, Special: The yingvig whip is a living weapon that links psychically with its wielder. Before it links at Expertise the whip is only usable as a dagger. After linking the whip can be used both ways and unleashes an intense poison effect that deals 2d6 per strike on critical attacks. Yingvig poison can only strike targets 3 times in a round., Price: Gifted or Found Only


Ammuntion has three types; consumable, refillable, or reusable. Consumable items are destroyed on use while reusable items are destroyed on critical fails.

Arrows, 10, Reusable, Price: 25 tarryns

Bolts, 10, Reusable, Price: 25 tarryns

Pistol Bullets, 50, Consumable, Price: 19 tarryns

Rifle Bullets, 25, Consumable, Price: 23 tarryns

Shotgun Shells, 16, Consumable, Price: 21 tarryns

Pebbles, 10, Reusable Price: 3 tarryns

Falgus Shells, Consumable, Price: varies

Machinegun Bullets, 60, Consumable, Price: 34 tarryns

Grenade Shells, 6, Consumable, Price: 43 tarryns

Half Bolts, 10, Reusable, Price: 15 tarryns

Battery Cell, Refillable, Price: 22 tarryns

Plasma Tube, Consumable, Price: 35 tarryns

Sledge Shells, 12, Consumable, Price: 28 tarryns

Battery Pack, Refillable, Price: 12 tarryns

Rocket, Consumable, Price: 125 tarryns


Trapping Supplies

Utility Knife, Price: 8 tarryns

Rope, 12’, Price: 14 tarryns

Pins, 6, Price: 12 tarryns

Wire, 10’, Price: 15 tarryns

Posts, 8, Price: 10 tarryns

Pressure Pad Detonator, Price: 112 tarryns

Argus Heart, Price: 36 tarryns

Venom Sack, Price: 33 tarryns

Small Explosive Pack, Price: 48 tarryns

Mesh Cover, 6’ x 6’, Price: 13 tarryns

Fire Oil, (N), Price: 13 tarryns

Explosive Pack, Price: 72 tarryns

Essence of Ice, (N), Price: 14 tarryns

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