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Spiritcallers have a strong connection to spirit and shadow magic. This is a trait that is generally passed through family lines though from time to time it develops elsewhere. In rural areas and the far corners of the world spiritcallers and looked at as spiritual and religious leaders for their people. They often commune with the spirits of the departed for guidance and are generally among the advisors of the leadership for their homes. Within the cities however the spiritcallers often take a darker path and slip into the realm of the shadowdweller. These spiritcallers are often associated with gangs the populate the rougher areas of the cities. No matter what path a spiritcaller comes from they find their training come primarily from communion with the spirits and shadows.

Spiritcallers can sense the spiritual energies of the world and can sense when they meet others who are able to do the same. Some of these young spiritcallers need to be shown what they are but most have already clued into their abilities. The first thing they are taught is how to tell spirits from shadows. Spirits are beings who pass on through natural means and have an acceptance of their death. Shadows are beings whose lives came to an unnatural end, often through violent and malice means. Knowing the difference and intent of the being is crucial to being able to gauge any interactions with them. When their guide has helped them learn the difference between them, they commune with the spirits and shadows to complete their training.

While communing with spirits in rural areas, the spiritcallers learn how to take on primal forms and how to aid their allies in battle. While communing with shadows the spiritcallers learn to strike against and hinder foes. When the spiritcaller has gathered a basic knowledge of their abilities they return to their people to assist in leading through spiritual communion. When they are not giving advice to the leaders they commonly are focused on their chosen professions. While this can lead to them leaving their homeland they will not normally do this without another spiritcaller being available to perform duties for their people.

The spiritcallers from the cities, especially the cities of industry, tend to fall into the darker path of the shadowdwellers. It is not a rule, it just happens since within the cities the shadows outnumber the spirits. There are those who are able to keep a balance between in similar ways to the rural spiritcallers. The rest use their abilities for personal gain and are normally involved in professions on the opposite side of the law. Shadowdwellers still perform the duties for a spiritcaller for the community but they do it less out of generosity and more for profit.

Spiritcallers are damage and support casters. They use spirit and shadow magic to buff and command allies while damaging and disabling foes. Able to utilize blood urns and potions, the spiritcallers give the edge to their allies in combat. They are able to use the lingering spirits of the dead for incite and knowledge that can aid their allies. Spiritcallers can be greatly affected in their play style by the morality of their decision making. Greedy and immoral choices can lead a spiritcaller into the realm of the shadowdweller.


Role: Damage, Command, Healing, Buff, Disabling

Species: Human, Grufia, Habataki, Pacura, Shaross, Tissarrid

Professions: Assassin, Explorer, Hunter, Mariner, Medic, Thief

Suggested Attributes: Dexterity and Charisma

Health: 8 + Constitution per CPB + Species Health

Starting Armor Proficient: Cloth and Leather

Starting Weapon Proficient: One Handed Melee Weapons, Ranged Weapons

Starting Skills: Choose 1 starting Magical Style and Mystical Lore.

Starting Equipment

Rural Spiritcaller

Armor: Cloth

Weapon(s): Long Sword, Short Bow, Dagger

Equipment: Clothing, 1 Day Ration, Backpack, Canteen, 20 Arrows

Tarryns: 1d20x10

City Spiritcaller

Armor: Cloth

Weapon(s): Semi-Automatic Pistol, Bolt Action Rifle, Dagger

Equipment: Clothing 1 Day Ration, Backpack, Canteen, 5 Clips (pistol), 25 Bullets (Rifle)

Tarryns: 1d20x10


Blood Marks or BM are generated whenever a target within close range starts bleeding. They can store a number of BM equal to their charisma. Spiritcallers can intentional harm themselves to create a BM.

Spirit Bonding or SB are generated whenever you use the communion ability. All SB are reset on a rest. You gain one free use of communion per CPB after you take a rest. They can spend 1 SB per CPB for each spell.


Communion, Ritual Ability

The spiritcaller can spend ten minutes to commune with the spirits of a region. They create 1d4 SB per CPB and gain their charisma bonus to sense, stealth, and survival checks in that zone. Communion can be used once per rest per CPB.

Bonded Weapon, Instant Ability, 1 SB per Target, Close Range

The spiritcaller can place a bond on a number of weapons equal to their charisma. Whenever a bonded weapon causes bleeding the spiritcaller gains a BM. They can cast hex for a BM or spiritual guidance for a SB on the wielder of the bonded weapons as a reaction while the weapon is within medium range of the spiritcaller. The spiritcaller regains the SB spent when they release the bonds.

Spiritual Guidance, Charisma + CPB vs Range Difficulty

The spiritcaller calls for assistance from an ally. The assistance could be in the form of damage, disabling, buffing, healing, or trading off with another defender. Ally gains +1d4 to their roll. Range difficulty is 10 for melee, 15 for close, and 20 for medium.

Potions, Ritual Ability, 1 SB

The spiritcaller can create a number of potions equal to one per SB every 5 minutes. Potions are used to clear away the status effects; berserk, silence, blind, sleep, charmed, or fear.

Consignment, Instant Ability, 1 SB, Close Range

The spiritcaller can consume a potion and cast it to a target at range.

Shadow Spirit, Instant Ability, 1 BM

The spiritcaller can draw in the power of the shadowdweller for 1d4 rounds per BM as they are wrapped in shadows. While in shadow spirit they deal shadow damage to all spirit molding and consignment casts the opposite effect for a round. They can also use a BM to use Call To Spirit on a target to cast possession on them. Possession causes the target to take a directed action from the spiritcaller if they fail a wisdom + CPB roll against the spiritcaller's charisma + CPB.

Spirit Molding, Charisma + CPB vs Defender, Close Range

The spiritcaller can draw on the powers of the nexus to cast spirit energy at a target. When they use spirit molding they can choose to deal 1d8 spirit or 1d6 spiritfire per 1 SB.

Blood Magic, Charisma + Defender, Close Range

The spiritcaller can use the blood spilled on the battlefield to cast spells. They can use a BM to apply a hex to a target, reducing one of their target's attributes by 1d4 for the round. They can also use two BM to cast a blood urn on a location with a difficulty of 14. When a spell crosses within 6' of a blood urn it is drawn in and recast at a new target by the spiritcaller as a reaction for 1 SB. Blood urns are destroyed on use.

Spiritcaller Mastery

The spiritcaller can learn one of a variety of masteries that allow them to connection to the spiritual world. As they deepen their connection they grow in power and specialize in some aspect the spiritual bonds they make.

Primal Spirit

The spiritcallers of this path draw on the power of animal spirits. Whenever they cast their communion, they bond with a local spirit they can transform into later. They become empowered by their bonds while they are transformed and when they are not. Each time they use communion their bond changes.

Primal Bond, Passive Ability, CPB 1

Whenever the spiritcaller uses their communion they gain a bond with spirit of a creature from the region that is equal to their CPB. They can use their shadow spirit ability to transform into that primal spirit. While transformed they use the abilities of the creature they have bonded with.

Bestial Strength, Instant Ability, CPB 2

While they are primal bonded and not transformed, they can use a SB to add their primal bond's attribute bonus to their roll. While transformed they gain their normal attribute bonus instead.

Primal Molding, Spirit Molding Augment, CPB 3

While transformed into your primal bond, the spiritcaller can use their spirit molding to attack close range targets. They can use their bond's attacks as a base for their spirit molding for 1 SB + 1 SB for the molded damage type. These attacks deal the damage of their molding plus any bonuses the ability normally has, such as pushing, knocking prone, bleeding, etc.

Bonded Skills, Passive Ability, CPB 4

While they are primal bonded and not transformed, the spiritcaller gains a 1d4 bonus to any skill check involving a skill their primal bond has. While transformed they gain their 1d4 bonus with their normal skills.

Twin Beast, Passive Ability, CPB 5

While the spiritcaller has a primal bond an additional copy of that bonded spirit is also called upon. The copy is a spiritual creature and follows their commands or copies their actions. Unless otherwise instructed, the twin beast will move and attack with the spiritcaller dealing spirit combo damage. They can also be commanded take separate actions from the spiritcaller with the use spiritual guidance.


Some spiritcallers are drawn to the shadow energies of the nexus more than most. These shadowdwellers are drawn further and further into the shadows. They become consumed by the shadow spirit and have trouble releasing it as they crave its effects. When they cast shadow spirit, they gain 1d4 SB for the first round.

Empowered Hexes, Blood Magic Augment, CPB 1

While the in shadow spirit the shadowdweller can use 2 BM to apply your hex for a number of rounds equal to your charisma. While hexed the shadowdweller gains their charisma to any shadow or shadowfire damage they deal and possession treats hex as spiritual guidance when commanding them to attack another target.

Spread the Darkness, Passive Ability, CPB 2

While in shadow spirit, the shadowdweller can cast the shadow spirit version of their abilities at medium range.

Clawing Shadows, Spirit Molding Augment, CPB 3

The shadowdweller can use an SB to create a slashing claw with their spirit molding. Clawing shadows adds slashing to their molding attacks. While in shadow spirit the shadowdweller can spend an additional SB to add their charisma to their critical chance.

Bloody Shadows, Passive Ability, CPB 4

The shadowdweller gains 1d4 SB whenever they roll a critical on an ability that used a BM.

Shadowdwelling, Passive Ability, CPB 5

The shadowdweller has been drawn in by the shadows. They no longer have a limit to how long they can remain in shadow spirit. When they use their shadow spirit ability they roll 5d4 + charisma to set the difficulty for them to turn back. Removing shadow spirit is now a wisdom + CPB roll. Spirit molding during shadow spirit is now 1d10 shadow and 1d8 shadowfire damage. Possession now lasts until the target is able to break the connection or the shadowdweller releases it.


The spiritcallers that focus on their potion crafting are the brewmasters. A brewmaster crafts stronger potions to provide healing and support to their allies. When a brewmaster creates a potion they also craft and bonus potion per CPB.

Healer's Brew, Potion Augment, CPB 1

When the brewmaster is crafting a potion they can now add healing as an effect. Healer's brew allows the brewmaster to mold 1d8 + charisma + CPB healing into a potion.

Potion Mixer, Passive Ability, CPB 2

When the brewmaster crafts a potion they can apply one unique potion effect per CPB.

Life's Brew, Potion Augment, CPB 3

When the brewmaster is crafting a potion they can now add resurrection as an effect. When a target is revived with life's brew they gain health equal to the brewmaster's charisma. Life's Brew can only be applied to a number of potions equal to the brewmaster's CPB daily.


Consignment Burst, Consignment Augment, CPB 4

When the brewmaster uses consignment on a blood urn they detonate the urn. The potion effects targets within charisma + CPB feet of the urn.

Blood Brews, Instant Ability, CPB 5

The brewmaster can use their blood marks to empower their potions and consignment. When crafting potions they can use a BM to add a random 1d4 attribute buff for a round; 1 for strength, 2 for dexterity, 3 for intelligence, 4 for wisdom, 5 for charisma, and 6 for constitution. They can also use a BM when they cast consignment to cast a couple of the potion to a target without consuming it.

Spirit General

Some spiritcallers focus their training on controlling the battlefield. These spirit generals use their bonded weapons to shape the battle to their allies benefits. The spirit general is able to cast their bonded weapons to medium range. When used with their bonded weapons their hex and spiritual guidance increases to 1d6.

Spirit Link, Instant Ability, Medium Range, CPB 1

The spirit general can connect two target's together through a spiritual link that have active bonded weapons. They can maintain a link per CPB, the link goes one way and give a bonus equal to the spirit general's charisma to attack, defend, damage, or heal. Spirit links last until a member of the link exits medium range or it is dismissed.

Critical Communion, Passive Ability, CPB 2

Whenever at target wielding a bonded weapon lands a critical hit within medium range of the spirit general they generate 1 SB.

Blood Link, Blood Urn Augment, 2 BM, Close Range, CPB 3

Whenever the spirit general uses a blood urn, they can cast a spirit link into it to copy a single effect to a number of targets equal to their charisma, until the start of their next turn.

Linked Bonds, Passive Ability, Medium Range, CPB 4

The spirit general can cast a spirit link for 2 BM and apply bonded weapons to both targets. If one half of the link already has a bonded weapon the cost is reduced to 1.

Shadow Empowered, Shadow Spirit Augment, CPB 5

When the spirit general activates their shadow spirit, all of their bonded weapons and spirit links become shadow empowered. Their linked bonus increases by 1d4 and their bonded weapon hexes and spiritual guidance are increase to 1d8 while in shadow spirit. They also gain 1d4 to their use of spiritual guidance for commands and possession.

Blood Tamer

Some spiritcallers have learned the art of creating a blood beast. These blood tamers shape their blood marks into a creature that fights alongside them. They can also store extra blood marks equal to their CPB. When they harm themselves to create a BM they create the full damage in BM instead.

Blood Beast, Instant Ability, Close Range, CPB 1

The blood tamer can create a blood beast for 2 BM. The blood beasts attacker and defender rolls are equal to 1d4 + CPB. The blood beasts health is 1d4 per CPB and their soak rate is equal to the blood tamer's charisma. The blood beast will move with the blood tamer or 8' when commanded to move. The blood beast takes no attack action unless commanded to.

Claw, Deals 1d8 slashing to a melee target.

Bite, Deals 1d6 piercing to a melee target.

Bonded Beast, Passive Ability, CPB 2

When the blood tamer uses spiritual guidance as a reaction on a bonded weapon, their blood beast will deal a combo bite if they are in melee range of the target struck.

Improved Beast, Passive Ability, CPB 3

The blood tamer's beast increases their claw damage to 2d8 and bite damage causes grip on critical. If the blood beast has a target gripped they can use a movement to attempt knocking the target prone. The beast's soak rate is also increased by their CPB.

Pounce, Instant Ability, CPB 4

The blood tamer can command their beast to pounce at a target within 2 movements as long as they are not adjacent to another hostile target for a BM. Pounce will knock the target prone.

Dual Beasts, Passive Ability, CPB 5

The blood tamer summons a second blood beast while in shadow spirit is active. Whenever the blood tamer commands their beast, both beasts take an action. During shadow spirit the beast's claw critical strike on hit.


Some spiritcallers focus on their ability to mold spirits. These shapers have the ability to redirect the flow of the spirits they mold to affect multiple targets or slip around them. Shapers are able to split each of their 1d8 spirit moldings into two 1d4 spirit moldings that strike different targets. They can also weave their attacks around obstacles.

Swarm Cone, Charisma + CPB vs Defender, CPB 1

The shaper can summon a swarm of insect spirits that deal 1d6 spirit or 1d4 spiritfire damage per SB to a 10' cone. They can ignore a number of targets within their cone equal to their charisma.

Spiritfire Burst, Passive Ability, CPB 2

Whenever the shaper deals spirit damage to a target effected by spiritfire they trigger a damage roll of the spiritfire effect as a combo.

Urn Bomb, Blood Urn Augment, CPB 3

The shaper can spend a SB when creating a Blood Urn to make it interact with spells in an explosive way. The urn bomb can be triggered whenever a damaging spell enters the urn's melee range. The radius of the urn bomb's explosion is 6' per SB used to detonate the bomb. The shaper can ignore a number of target's equal to their charisma when they detonate their urn bomb with spirit or spiritfire damage.

Critical Molding, Passive Ability, CPB 4

Whenever the shaper deals a critical attack with spirit molding they gain 1d4 SB in return.

Shadow Burn, Instant Ability, CPB 5

While shadow spirit is active the shaper can consume that effect with a shadow burn. Shadow burn lasts for a round and gives the shaper a number of buffs equal to the number of rounds left of shadow spirit. Each effect can be stacked up to 5 times. Shadow burn ends at the start of their next turn.

Molding Damage, Ignore the cost of 1 SB per stack.

Attribute Bonus, +1 to a chosen attribute per stack.

Spiritual Guidance, +1 critical to allies action per stack.

Blood Urn, Reduces the cost of detonation by 1 SB per stack.

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