Orrillian Defense Force
The Orrillian Defense Force is the first and last line of defense for the people of Orrillia. Their officers range from law enforcement to military leaders. While they are divided in duties across Orrillia they are not divided in rank. In the rural areas of Orrillia the military branch is also in charge of law enforcement as well as defense. The ODF is in charge of the defense of Orrillia and its people within the nation's borders.
Orrillian Defense Force outposts are located across the populated zones of Orrillia. Population levels determine their frequency and manpower. Wildlife zones have patrols near their borders but try not to disturb the animals. Orrillian border patrols consist of patrolling valiers and gaffi guardsmen. While they utilize satellite technology they do not go on the imagery and rely on visual confirmation.
The ODF openly shares information with the Global Intelligence Network. Orrillia has had many attempted strikes within its borders by the Queldi Nation. ODF and GIN corporation has kept many Queldi attacks from being the catastrophe they could have been. The frequency of attacks on Orrillia tends to be higher than other nations. Their effectiveness however is considerably less in Orrillia as the majority of these attacks are prevented.
ODF Officer
Hp: 9, Def: +3, Soak: 9, Move: Land 6'/Water 4', APR: 2, CPB: 1, Frequency: Common, Quantity: 1-?
Str: +2, Dex: +1, Cha: +1, Int: +2, Wis: +1, Con: +1
Skill Rolls: Bartering (+1), Athletics (+1d4+1), Sense (+1), Drive
Semi-Automatic Pistol, +3 vs Defender
The officer can shoot a medium ranged target dealing 1d6 damage.
Dagger, +4 vs Defender
The officer can strike a melee target for 1d4 damage. On a critical attack the officer will double strike dealing combo damage.
MX-3, +2/+0/-2 vs Defender (Optional Weapon)
The officer can shoot a medium ranged target with this Burst Fire weapon dealing 1d4 damage. On a critical strike they deal combo damage with the rest of the shoots left to roll.
Squad Assault, Passive Combat Art
The officer's training allows them to work together to overcome their targets. When they are linked by 6' they attack together dealing combo damage and +1 attacker rolls by officers linked.
Class Skills, Optional Skills
The officer can have alternate class based weapons and 5 class abilities.
ODF Law Enforcement and Coast Guard, Optional Variant
This optional variant can carry a shotgun with an attacker bonus of +2 and dealing 1d12 damage instead of the optional MX-3.
ODF Naval Officer, Optional Variant
This optional variant does not carry a MX-3.
ODF Elite Officer
Hp: 27, Def: +8, Soak: 12, Move: Land 8'/Water 6', APR: 4, CPB: 3, Frequency: Unusual, Quantity: 1-12
Str: +4, Dex: +5, Cha: +1, Int: +2, Wis: +1, Con: +3
Skill Rolls: Bartering (+3), Athletics (+1d4+3), Sense (+3), Drive, Technology, Maintenance, Survival (+5), Language
Semi-Automatic Pistol, +10 vs Defender
The elite officer can shoot a medium ranged target dealing 2d6 damage.
Dagger, +10 vs Defender
The elite officer can strike a melee target for 2d4 damage. On a critical attack the officer will double strike dealing combo damage.
MX-6, +8/+4/0 vs Defender
The elite officer can shoot a medium ranged target with this Burst Fire weapon dealing 2d4 damage. On a critical strike they deal combo damage with the rest of the shoots left to roll. The MX-6 can switched to single with an attacker bonus of +12 and dealing 2d10 damage.
Tactical Assault, Instant Ability
When in combat 3 to 5 elite officers can link together as one. While linked by 10' they gain +1 attacker bonus per officer and they act as one dealing combined damage and moving together.
ODF SWAT Officer, Optional Variant
This variant carries an MX-7 with a Full Auto attacker bonus of +10/+8/+6/+4/+2 or +12 for single shot and dealing 2d4 + 2d6 damage per shot. This variant may also replace the MX-6 with a Semi-Automatic Shotgun with an attacker bonus of +8 and dealing 2d12+2d8. They also carry 2 Flash Grenades.
ODF SWAT Sniper, Optional Variant
This variant carries a SDV-3 with an attacker bonus of +7 and dealing 4d8 damage.
ODF Guardsman, Optional Variant
This variant carries a Revolver with an attacker bonus of +10 and dealing 2d8 damage instead of the Semi-Automatic Pistol, a Pulse Rifle with an attacker bonus of +7 and dealing 4d6 + 2d4 energy damage instead of the MX-6, and a Spear with an attacker bonus of +10 and dealing 2d10 damage. They also ride either a gaffi or paloo mount.
ODF Ace Pilot, Optional Variant
This variant adds rank Aviator skill.
ODF Vanguard, Optional Variant
This variant wears plate mail and carries a shield giving it a soak rate of 15 and can use a shield strike with an attacker bonus of +9 and dealing 2d6 damage + 1 APR stun on critical. They also carry a one handed battleaxe with an attacker bonus of +9 and dealing 2d10 damage along with 3 grenades.