Crafting Items
Crafting items are the components and tools used to make the various craftable items in the world.
Crafting Tools
Blacksmithing Hammer, Price: 34 tarryns
Clamp, Price: 32 tarryns
Protective Goggles, Price: 42 tarryns
Wire Cutter, Price: 12 tarryns
Welding Torch, Price: 52 tarryns
Magnifying Goggles, Price: 44 tarryns
Workbench, Price: 1,328 tarryns
Anvil, Price: 570 tarryns
Shaper, Price: 120 tarryns
Sanding Pad, Price: 12 tarryns
Carving Tool, Price: 15 tarryns
Portable Laboratory, Price: 2,536 tarryns
Brush, Price: 8 tarryns
Needle, 10, Price: 5 tarryns
Thread, Price: 12 tarryns
Computer, Technology 1, Price: 230 tarryns
Computer, Technology 2, Price: 580 tarryns
Computer, Technology 3, Price: 975 tarryns
Computer, Technology 4, Price: 1,349 tarryns
Computer, Technology 5, Price: 2,104 tarryns
Crafting Supplies
Sphere of Strength, Price: 250 tarryns
Sphere of Dexterity, Price: 250 tarryns
Sphere of Intelligence, Price: 250 tarryns
Sphere of Wisdom, Price: 250 tarryns
Sphere of Charisma, Price: 250 tarryns
Sphere of Constitution, Price: 250 tarryns
Strength Amplifier, Price: 250 tarryns
Dexterity Amplifier, Price: 250 tarryns
Intelligence Amplifier, Price: 250 tarryns
Wisdom Amplifier, Price: 250 tarryns
Charisma Amplifier, Price: 250 tarryns
Constitution Amplifier, Price: 250 tarryns
Iron Bar, Grade 1 Metal, Price: 10 tarryns
Steel Bar, Grade 2 Metal, Price: 25 tarryns
Silver Bar, Grade 3 Metal, Price: 75 tarryns
Vendrainium, Grade 4 Metal, Price: 146 tarryns
Galaruss Bar, Grade 5 Metal, Price: 204 tarryns
Crystalium Bar, Grade 5 Metal Substitute, Price: 204 tarryns
Cafepalis Body Plate, Grade 2 Natural Plate, Price: 48 tarryns
Draconia Shell, Grade 4 Natural Plate, Price: 179 tarryns
Coorabuck Scales, Grade 5 Natural Plate, Price: 248 tarryns
Oak, 2x4, Grade 1 Wood, Price: 10 tarryns
Valgonni, 2x4, Grade 2 Wood, Price: 25 tarryns
Billan, 2x4, Grade 3 Wood, Price: 75 tarryns
Kothac, 2x4, Grade 4 Wood, Price: 146 tarryns
Saloothian, 2x4, Grade 5 Wood, Price: 204 tarryns
Cloth, 1 Yard Grade 1 Fabric, Price: 10 tarryns
Silk, 1 Yard Grade 2 Fabric, Price: 25 tarryns
Banglas Silk, 1 Yard Grade 3 Fabric, Price: 75 tarryns
Eithi, 1 Yard Grade 4 Fabric, Price: 146 tarryns
Tarous Braid, 1 Yard Grade 5 Fabric, Price: 204 tarryns
Artamis Weave, 1 Yard Grade 5 Fabric Substitute (metal), Price: 248 tarryns
Coracki Hide, Grade 1 Leather, Price: 10 tarryns
Ichi Hide, Grade 2 Leather, Price: 25 tarryns
Stone Hide, Grade 2 Leather, Price: 25 tarryns
Pessaka Hide, Grade 3 Leather, Price: 75 tarryns
Jooga Hide, Grade 3 Leather, Price: 75 tarryns
Tu’vacian Leather, Grade 3 Leather, Price: 84 tarryns
Raiser Hide, Grade 4 Leather, Price: 146 tarryns
Halliran Hide, Grade 5 Leather, Price: 204 tarryns
Saludan Hide, Grade 5 Leather, Price: 204 tarryns
Fiberglass Block, Grade 1 Synthetic, Price: 10 tarryns
Carbonfiber Block, Grade 2 Synthetic, Price: 25 tarryns
Palier Block, Grade 3 Synthetic, Price: 75 tarryns
Nanofiber Block, Grade 4 Synthetic, Price: 146 tarryns
Drakel Block, Grade 5 Synthetic, Price: 204 tarryns
Nylon Cord, Grade 1 String, Price: 10 tarryns
Tremare Rope, Grade 2 String, Price: 25 tarryns
Nanofiber Cord, Grade 3 String, Price: 75 tarryns
Wahloon Rope, Grade 4 String, Price: 146 tarryns
Valgonni Rope, Grade 5 String, Price: 204 tarryns
Hydraxal Cable, Grade 1 Wire, Price: 10 tarryns
Olyx Wire, Grade 2 Wire, Price: 25 tarryns
Nano Cable Model 2, Grade 3 Wire, Price: 75 tarryns
Yakoma Comm. Wire, Grade 4 Wire, Price: 146 tarryns
Nano Cable Model 4, Grade 5 Wire, Price: 204 tarryns
Shaserata, Grade 1 Nanochip, Price: 50 tarryns
Shockwave 32, Grade 2 Nanochip, Price: 125 tarryns
Venom X4, Grade 3 Nanochip, Price: 375 tarryns
Shockwave 34, Grade 4 Nanochip, Price: 730 tarryns
Shockwave 35, Grade 5 Nanochip, Price: 1020 tarryns
Dahfantacildo 2, Grade 1 Processor, Price: 50 tarryns
Jallune R39, Grade 2 Processor, Price: 125 tarryns
Jallune R40, Grade 3 Processor, Price: 375 tarryns
Jallune S56, Grade 4 Processor, Price: 730 tarryns
Jallune S57, Grade 5 Processor, Price: 1020 tarryns
Gnoalgo 75, Grade 1 Graphical Interface, Price: 50 tarryns
Coisar 3, Grade 2 Graphical Interface, Price: 125 tarryns
Ionto 89, Grade 3 Graphical Interface, Price: 375 tarryns
Gnoalgo 76, Grade 4 Graphical Interface, Price: 730 tarryns
Ionto 90, Grade 5 Graphical Interface, Price: 1020 tarryns
Renear 4, Grade 1 Virtual Interface, Price: 50 tarryns
Aeldon 1, Grade 2 Virtual Interface, Price: 125 tarryns
Renear 5, Grade 3 Virtual Interface, Price: 375 tarryns
Aeldon 2, Grade 4 Virtual Interface, Price: 730 tarryns
Aeldon 3, Grade 5 Virtual Interface, Price: 1020 tarryns
Fallien, Grade 1 Display, Price: 50 tarryns
Ungri, Grade 2 Display, Price: 125 tarryns
Crystalium, Grade 3 Display, Price: 375 tarryns
Interactive, Grade 4 Display, Price: 730 tarryns
Holographic, Grade 5 Display, Price: 1020 tarryns
Fiberglass or Iron Frame, Grade 1 Frame, Price: 50 tarryns
Carbonfiber or Steel Frame, Grade 2 Frame, Price: 125 tarryns
Palier or Silver Frame, Grade 3 Frame, Price: 375 tarryns
Nanofiber or Vendrainium Frame, Grade 4 Frame, Price: 730 tarryns
Drakel or Galaruss Frame, Grade 5 Frame, Price: 1020 tarryns
Fiberglass or Iron Barrel, Grade 1 Barrel, Price: 50 tarryns
Carbonfiber or Steel Barrel, Grade 2 Barrel, Price: 125 tarryns
Palier or Silver Barrel, Grade 3 Barrel, Price: 375 tarryns
Nanofiber or Vendrainium Barrel, Grade 4 Barrel, Price: 730 tarryns
Drakel or Galaruss Barrel, Grade 5 Barrel, Price: 1030 tarryns
Fiberglass or Iron Trigger, Grade 1 Trigger, Price: 50 tarryns
Carbonfiber or Steel Trigger, Grade 2 Trigger, Price: 125 tarryns
Palier or Silver Trigger, Grade 3 Trigger, Price: 375 tarryns
Nanofiber or Vendrainium Trigger, Grade 4 Trigger, Price: 730 tarryns
Drakel or Galaruss Trigger, Grade 5 Trigger, Price: 1020 tarryns
Fiberglass or Cloth Grip, Grade 1 Grip, Price: 50 tarryns
Carbonfiber or Silk Grip, Grade 2 Grip, Price: 125 tarryns
Palier or Banglas Silk Grip, Grade 3 Grip, Price: 375 tarryns
Nanofiber or Vendrainium Grip, Grade 4 Grip, Price: 730 tarryns
Drakel or Tarous Braid Grip, Grade 5 Grip, Price: 1020 tarryns
Fiberglass or Iron Crystal Pack, Grade 1 Crystal Pack, Price: 50 tarryns
Carbonfiber or Steel Crystal Pack, Grade 2 Crystal Pack, Price: 125 tarryns
Palier or Silver Crystal Pack, Grade 3 Crystal Pack, Price: 375 tarryns
Nanofiber or Vendrainium Crystal Pack, Grade 4 Crystal Pack, Price: 730 tarryns
Drakel or Galaruss Crystal Pack, Grade 5 Crystal Pack, Price: 1020 tarryns
Alchemy Supplies
Alchemist Kit, Price: 136 tarryns
Healing Waters, Price: 32 tarryns
Vials, 10, Price: 25 tarryns
Spell Ball, Price: 12 tarryns
Fish Scales, Price: 28 tarryns
Venom Sac, Price: 34 tarryns
Waters of Time, Price: 28 tarryns
Feathers, Price: 26 tarryns
Fire Oil, Price: 32 tarryns
Essence of Ice, Price: 32 tarryns
Essence of Magic, Price: 30 tarryns
Blast Powder, Price: 28 tarryns
Stone, Price: 24 tarryns
Static Crystal, Price: 24 tarryns
Apoath Jelly, Price: 28 tarryns
Nullifying Agent, Price: 26 tarryns
Flash Powder, Price: 22 tarryns
Disease/Pharmaceutical Supplies
Arconic Fungus, Price: 88 tarryns
Zalen Rose, Price: 59 tarryns
Hadrillia Stone, Price: 82 tarryns
Coraki Venom Sac, Price: 42 tarryns
Blood Thinner, Price: 24 tarryns
Rainarou Stinger, Price: 49 tarryns
Elicerris Throat Needle, Price: 63 tarryns
Void Gland, Price: 57 tarryns
Greater Void Gland, Price: 134 tarryns
Greater Hadrillia Stone, Price: 157 tarryns
Extractant, Price: 67 tarryns
Suboth Fangs, 2, Price: 36 tarryns
Ghoetti Leaf, Price: 72 tarryns
Juarein Root, Price: 65 tarryns
Blood Bag, Price: 23 tarryns
Sphere of Charisma, Price: 250 tarryns
Sphere of Strength, Price: 250 tarryns
Sphere of Wisdom, Price: 250 tarryns
Sphere of Constitution, Price: 250 tarryns
Sphere of Dexterity, Price: 250 tarryns
Sphere of Intelligence, Price: 250 tarryns
Herbalism Supplies
Mortar & Pestle, Price: 10 tarryns
Bakun Sponge, Price: 35 tarryns
Seaweed Wrap, Price: 23 tarryns
Farousha Reed, Price: 33 tarryns
Korall Flower, Price: 38 tarryns
Saloothia Vine, Price: 69 tarryns
Noori Root, Price: 77 tarryns
Salt Cube, Price: 5 tarryns
Elra Moss, Price: 62 tarryns
Small Jar, 4, Price: 15 tarryns
Living Leaf, Price: 247 tarryns
Subi Thorn, Price: 44 tarryns
Maltia Fern, Price: 139 tarryns
Lunekur Leaf, Price: 325 tarryns
Aura Tea Leaf, 20, Price: 40 tarryns
Grave Moss, Price: 43 tarryns
Clareous Cactus, Price: 138 tarryns
Hynnlock Lily, Price: 146 tarryns
Plealatus Sap, Price: 158 tarryns
Vornin Ball, Price: 6 tarryns
Volnia Stalk, Price: 258 tarryns
Tylien Flower, Price: 698 tarryns
Firearm Optional Parts
Suppressor, Pistol, Silence Weapon, Price: 56 tarryns
Suppressor, Rifle, Silence Weapon, Price: 72 tarryns
Suppressor, Machinegun, Silence Weapon, Price: 66 tarryns
Extended Pistol Clip, 20, Price: 26 tarryns
Pistol Clip, 10, Price: 14 tarryns
Rifle Clip, 5, Price: 12 tarryns
Extended Rifle Clip, 10, Price: 24 tarryns
Revolver Speed Loader, 1 Action Reload for Revolver, Price:10 tarryns
Machinegun Clip, 30, Price: 20 tarryns
Extended Machinegun Clip, 50, Price: 42 tarryns
Sledge Speed Loader, 1 Action Reload for Sledge, Price: 13 tarryns
Laser Sight, +1 Critical Bonus, Price: 120 tarryns
Scope, +1 Attacker Bonus, Price: 89 tarryns
Stock, Range Increased 6’, Price: 51 tarryns
Demolition Supplies
Gunpowder, Price: 34 tarryns
Flash Powder, Price: 47 tarryns
Luminous, Price: 41 tarryns
Bunta Dust, Price: 71 tarryns
Microwave Generator, Price: 92 tarryns
Pulse Generator, Price: 87 tarryns
Hydration Jelly, Price: 65 tarryns
Dehydrated Adhesive Silk, Price: 59 tarryns
Shrapnel, Price: 23 tarryns
Fire Oil, Price: 32 tarryns
White Phosphorus, Price: 54 tarryns
Coraki Venom Dust, Price: 25 tarryns
Detonator, Price: 44 tarryns
Grenade Casing, Price: 34 tarryns
Mine Casing, Price: 120 tarryns
Rocket Casing, Price: 356 tarryns
Rocket Motor, Price: 415 tarryns
Bomb Casing, Price: 1239 tarryns
Arming Device, Price: 248 tarryns
Missile Casing, Price: 2407 tarryns
Jet Engine, Price: 1869 tarryns
Guidance System, Price: 1577 tarryns
Targeting System, Price: 3189 tarryns
Explosive Tool Kit, Price: 86 tarryns