Vagabonds are the nomadic people of the caravans. They travel where the trail takes them, caring more for the journey then the destination. Vagabonds are generally lighthearted, charming individuals who value their friends above all else. They will rush to the aid of a friend at the risk of their own lives and not think twice about it. Having a great lust for life, vagabonds often have vices that drag them and their allies into trouble, not all of which they know how to get out of. Vagabonds tend to be on the gray side of the law.
Traildusters are young vagabonds who are still getting accustom to the road. They often stay with the caravan and perform tasks for their community. Many caravans are part circus performers and part tradesmen. It is usually the traildusters job to set the tents and play the role of security for the camp grounds. When they show the gift for a performer or barker role they are trained to become a scout.
Scouts are forward guard of the vagabonds. They travel ahead of the caravan with their eyes out for danger and suitable places to camp and set up for shows or markets. When the caravan is set up they take on the role of performers. Performances take on a wide variety of activities. They can do stunts, comedy, cooking, and much more. Scouts also take on the role of the barker. Entertaining guests while selling them on the attractions they offer, the barkers keep the interest of the people so they forget how many tarryns they have spent. Those vagabonds skilled enough rise up the ranks to become a pathfinder.
Pathfinders are experienced vagabonds who often set out on their own throughout the world. They use their talents to pick up work as featured performers at various caravans or to become the ringmaster of their own. Pathfinders can often be found away from caravans more often than in them. Usually they just return for performances while they tag along adventuring with their friends. Pathfinders for the most part want to feel the road beneath their feet and the joy of their friends. As long as they have that, all is right in their world.
Vagabonds are light armored dual wielding experts. They can cast spells using nomadic charms for support or damaging targets. Duelists are vagabonds who specialize in melee combat, combining quick strikes and damaging spells. Marksmen are vagabonds who specialize in ranged combat, combining disabling shots with supports spells. They also have minor healing spells and the ability to stealth. This makes vagabonds a very versatile class in the world.
Role: Damage, Disable, Stealth
Species: Cojaro, Human, Vampire, Habataki, Pacura, Grufia, Shaross
Professions: Assassin, Explorer, Hunter, Mariner, Medic, Soldier, Thief
Suggested Attributes: Dexterity and Charisma
Health: 6 + Constitution per CPB + Species Health
Starting Armor Proficient: Cloth, Leather
Starting Weapon Proficient: 1 Handed Weapons
Starting Skills: Gain the Combat Art: Dual Wield and Culture: Caravan.
Starting Equipment
Vagabond Duelist
Armor: Cloth
Weapon(s): 2 Short Swords, Dagger
Equipment: Clothing, 1 Day Ration, Backpack, Canteen, Nomadic Charms
Tarryns: 1d20x10
Vagabond Marksman
Armor: Cloth
Weapon(s): 2 Semi-Automatic Pistols, Dagger
Equipment: Clothing, 1 Day Ration, Backpack, Canteen, 5 Clips (Pistols), Nomadic Charms
Tarryns: 1d20x10
Pendant of Twilight, Soul of Shapes, and Twisting Defense are the vagabonds charms. The vagabond can empower charms equal to their CPB that are usable once per round. Empowered charms can be changed while outside of combat.
The vagabond can store Finesse equal to double their CPB and it fades out of combat. 1 Finesse is generated each time they successfully attack or defend and 2 Finesse is generated for each critical attack or defense.
Evasion, Reactive Ability, 1 Finesse
This skill improves defender roll for the round by their CPB.
Exploit, Passive Ability
The vagabond gains their CPB as a critical bonus from stealth or against infuriated targets.
Appraise, Passive Ability
The vagabond rolls skill checks twice taking the better result to determine the true worth, history, culture, and enhancements there may be on the item.
Luck of the Vagabond, Reactive Ability, 1 Finesse
Vagabond has a chance to avoid status effects from attack by re-rolling their defender roll. The vagabond will still take the damage from the attack.
Swapping Dash, Attacker vs Defender, 1 Finesse
The vagabond slashes at the target dealing ranged damage as you jumps back a movement or dives forward a movement and deal melee damage. During the movement they switch weapons from melee to range and vice versa.
Nomadic Charms
Nomadic charms are magical items often disguised as jewelry. The vagabonds learned long ago how to craft these items and have passed the knowledge down their lines ever since. The casting is similar to channeling as the energy flows form the caster to the charm to perform each spell.
Shadow Strike, Instant Ability, Pendant of Twilight, Weapon Range
The vagabond adds 1d6 shadow damage per CPB to any successful attack. Shadow Strike requires Stealth or the target to be infuiated by another target.
Weaken, Charisma + CPB vs Defender, Twisting Defense, Medium Range
The vagabond reduces targets magic resistance by 1d4 per CPB as a reaction.
Shadow Blade, Charisma + CPB vs Difficulty, Soul of Shapes
The vagabond summons a sword of shadow for the round that deals 1d8 combo shadow damage to all melee strikes and 1d4 to ranged defender rolls for the duration with a difficulty of 14. They can summon 2 Shadow Blades for a cost of 2 charms with a difficulty of 18.
Transfigure, Charisma + CPB vs Difficulty, Soul of Shapes, Medium Range, 2 Actions
The vagabond turns self into a cat until it is dismissed or damage with a difficulty of 14. At CPB 3 Transfigure can turn the caster into a bird until dismissed or damaged with a difficulty of 18. At CPB 5 Transfigure the caster uses an intelligence + CPB vs defender roll to turn a target into a chicken for the round.
Grasping Shadows, Charisma + CPB vs Defender, Pendent of Twilight, Medium Range, 2 Actions
The vagabond turns the ground into shadows, turning a 10' radius to slow movement for rounds each to CPB. Targets under the effect of soak are stuck in place.
Shadow Shroud, Reactive Ability, Twisting Defense
The vagabond envelops self in shadows allowing them to soak magical damage equal to twice their CPB for 1 round.
Nomadic Combat
The road is a dangerous place and as such young vagabonds are taught at an early age the value of offense. The nomads are light on their feet and to the untrained eye they appear reckless and lucky. Their lunges and spins are actually precise and well-honed through years of training. Combining quick strikes with damaging spells, these dual wielding experts quickly bring down their opponents.
Bleeding Strike, Attacker vs Defender, 1 Finesse, Melee
The vagabond slices open its target, causing weapon damage + 1d6 bleeding damage for 3 rounds.
Piercing Strike, Attacker vs Defender, 1 Finesse, Melee
The vagabond finds a target’s exposed armor and slips its weapons into the gap dealing normal weapon damage.
Opening Strike, Attacker vs Defender, 1 Finesse + 2 Actions, Melee
The vagabond strikes its target dealing strike damage + Stagger for 1 action. Opening Strike can critical, giving 1d4 actions of Stagger.
Twisting Strike, Attacker vs Defender, 1 Finesse + 2 Actions, Melee
The vagabond spins striking its opponent on the same spot twice with both melee weapons dealing two weapon attacks. The second attack gains Stealth if the ability is unlocked, allowing for Shadow Strike damage to be applied.
Gut Shot, Attacker vs Defender, 1 Finesse, Ranged
The vagabond fires a shot that stuns the target slightly, dealing weapon damage + -1 APR.
Wounding Shot, Attacker vs Defender, 1 Finesse, Ranged
The vagabond fires a shot that wounds the target for weapon damage + -1 attacker/defender rolls for the round. The Wounding Shot attacker/defender penalty can be increase by 1 per additional finesse.
Disarming Shot, Attacker vs Defender, 1 Finesse + 2 Actions, Ranged
The vagabond shoots an item out of the target’s hand. The target must be staggered. The vagabond can spend 2 additional finesse to treat the target as staggered.
Trip Shot, Attacker vs Defender, 1 Finesse + 2 Actions, Ranged
The vagabond shots its target’s leg out from under it dealing weapon damage + slow + knockdown on critical. The vagabond can spend 2 additional finesse to make Trip Shot critical.
Vagabond Mastery
Vagabonds develop close bond with other and pick up their masteries from other classes. At CPB 1 they make a resource charm imbued with 1 Focus, magic, stamina, or combat reactions and gain one ability that uses that resource. You gain an additonal ability at CPB 2, 4, and 5. At CPB 3 your resource charm can hold 2 of your chosen resource. Your resource charms refill on critical rolls and by 1 on a rest action.