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Order of the Blade

The Order of the Blade was first formed by the now extinct zordoff, who taught their channeling magic to their new allies in the world. They established their school deep within the Valgonni Jungle on the slopes of what is now called the Mountain of the Blade. The blades have outposts in all major cities to provide jobs, assistance, and to recall traveling blades back to the mountain. The order is controlled by the Masters of the Blade Court, five exalted masters who govern the blades. They are in charge of ranking missions, going over mission reports, and promoting blades up the ranks.

The training makeup of the blades is three levels; protégé, mentor, and master. When a hopefully blade is accepted into the order there are given the title of protégé and are assigned to a master. With the aid of a mentor the master trains the protégé to become a mentor itself. A training master always has a protégé and mentor under it and when the master is off on a mission that is too dangerous for the protégé, the mentor takes over the training for a time. During this earlier level of training a protégé may train with several weapon types before deciding on which one to craft as their companion.

As a rite of passage, when the blade has been deemed ready, to become a mentor the blade must craft a blade of their own. This weapon holds a special place in the blades heart and is often named by them upon creation and thought of as a friend. Masters give their mentors more leeway than a protégé and when the master is not away on a mission they commonly send out their mentor for their own missions. Masters often pair their mentors and protégés up with the students of their friends from other walks of life. When a master feels its mentor is ready to become a master they take them before the Blade Court.

Masters focus their efforts on becoming better at melee fighting, ranged casting, or healing allies. Though it is not a requirement, most masters take on students of their own and continue the cycle. When a master falls there is usually another master to fill in for them and complete their students training. When a master decides to retire from the adventuring life, they may take up posts within the school or the many outposts around the world to aid those of the future generation. An extremely rare few getting promoted into the Blade Court but with only five spots on the court most never reach this level.

The Order of the Blade is a mercenary sect of battle-casters. They channel attack spells through their blades and cast healing spells to aid their allies in battle. Armed with bladed melee weapons and throwers, the blades do not believe in the use of firearms and the punishment for disobeying this edict is severe. Using regeneration spells, they heal their allies over time. Blades are trained in the martial weapons form Obella and are very capable melee fighters. Their projectile barrier and ability to boost their magic gives them a unique playing style whether they are healing or attacking.


Role: Damage, Heal, Disabling

Species: Cojaro, Human, Vampire, Shaross, Grufia

Professions: Explorer, Hunter, Law Enforcement, Mariner, Medic, Soldier, Thief

Suggested Attributes: Strength and Intelligence

Health: 8 + Constitution per CPB + Species Health

Starting Armor Proficient: Any

Starting Weapon Proficient: Bladed Weapons, Throwers

Starting Skills: Choose 1 starting Combat Art and Technology: Blacksmith.

Starting Equipment

Armor: Cloth

Weapon(s): Choose 1 Bladed Weapon, 5 Shuriken, Dagger

Equipment: Clothing, 1 Day Ration, Backpack, Canteen

Tarryns: 1d20x10


Blade member must craft their own weapon by CPB 3. If they fail to perform this task they will be unable to purchase further order of the blade skills until they complete the task. A blade that fails to accomplish this may even find them removed from the Order of the Blade and forced into exile. Exiled blades have redeemed themselves in the past however and rejoined the order.


The blade has magic points or MP equal to Intelligence + CPB and regenerates out of combat.


The blade has stamina points or SP. Sp is equal to Constitution + CPB and regenerates out of combat.

The blades generate 1 fury during combat whenever they attack, use SP, or MP. Blades can store fury up to twice their CPB and it fades out of combat.


Projectile Barrier, Intelligence + CPB vs Difficulty 16

The blade creates a 1d12 per MP barrier that blocks projectile weapons on self, up to CPB. When Projectile Barrier is cast with a Channel Element active the blade can choose to give the barrier 1 matching spell resistance for 1 fury.

Defy Gravity, Defender vs Attacker

This is the ability to jump and float to avoid attack or reach a location. Defy Gravity is used during a defender roll and costs 1 Fury. Defy Gravity can move up to two movements.


Strong Will, Passive Ability

The blade has an added chance to avoid illusions and mind controlling affects equal to twice their wisdom.

Fury Boost, Intelligence + CPB vs Difficulty 16

The blade draws from its fury to regenerate resources. Fury Boost regenerates 1d4 per fury, MP or SP at a time.

Channeling Spells

The art of channeling is the key to the power of the Order of the Blade. The caster summons elemental energy into their bladed melee weapon to unleash against a target. Only one attack type can be summoned into the blade at a time and summoning another will negate the previous one.

Channel Element, Intelligence + CPB vs Difficulty 14

The blade casts an element into their weapon or 2 elements into their weapons when dual wielding for rounds equal to Intelligence + CPB and allows for the use of other channeling spells. Channel Element causes the weapon to gain +1d6 per MP up to their CPB of a damage type based on the element channeled. Blade can enhance Channel Element with 1 fury to to double the duration.

Air Effect) Singing Blade

Fire Effect) Searing Blade

Earth Effect) Gravel Blade

Water Effect) Hydro Blade

Ice Effect) Frost Blade

Lightning Effect) Shocking Blade

Channeled Bolt, Intelligence + CPB vs Defender, 1 Fury, Medium Range

The blade hurls their current channeled element at a target to deal Channel Element damage. Channeled Bolt can only be cast from one weapon at a time.

Air Effect) Critical hits cause 1d4 bleeding damage for 3 rounds.

Fire Effect) Critical hits cause 1d6 fire damage for 3 rounds.

Earth Effect) Critical hits cause knockdown for 1 action.

Water Effect) Critical hits cause soak on target for 3 actions.

Ice Effect) Critical hits cause additional 1d4 ice damage, slowing movement by 1/2 for round.

Lightning Effect) Critical hits cause 1 action stun to target.

Ground Slash, Intelligence + CPB vs Defender, 1 MP + 2 Actions + 1 Fury

The blade slashes at a direction unleashing a 10’ line of dealing double channeled elemental damage to all targets within the path. Only one element can be cast at a time.

Air Effect) Critical hits cause knockdown to all targets for 1 action.

Fire Effect) Critical hits cause 1d6 fire damage to all targets for 3 rounds.

Earth Effect) Critical hits cause knockdown to all targets for 1 action.

Water Effect) Critical hits cause knockdown to all targets for 1 action.

Ice Effect) Critical hits cause additional 1d4 ice damage, slowing movement by 1/2 for round.

Lightning Effect) Critical hits cause 1 action stun to all targets.

Cone of Elements, Intelligence + CPB vs Defender, 1 MP + 2 Fury

The blade points their blade forward creating a 10’ cone of the channeled element dealing that damage type to all targets. Only one element can be cast at a time.

Air Effect) Critical hits cause 1d4 bleeding damage for 3 rounds.

Fire Effect) Critical hits cause 1d6 fire damage for 3 rounds.

Earth Effect) Critical hits cause blind to all targets for 3 actions.

Water Effect) Critical hits cause soak to all targets for 3 actions.

Ice Effect) Critical hits cause additional 1d4 ice damage, slowing movement by 1/2 for round.

Lightning Effect) Critical hits cause 1 action stun to all targets.


The Order of the Blade’s martial fighting style, Obella is designed for weapon use. Obella incorporates different fighting stances for advantages in combat.

Dragon Stance, Instant Ability

The blade’s straight offensive stance, the dragon stance is used for a mixture of melee and magical attacks. Dragon Stance attacker/magic rolls have +2 and defender rolls have -2. Only one stance can be active at a time.

Reed Stance, Instant Ability

The blade’s defensive casting stance, the reed stance is used for ranged casting and healing. Reed Stance defender/magic rolls +2 and attacker rolls -2. Only one stance can be active at a time.

Stone Stance, Instant Ability

The blade’s defensive melee stance, the stone stance is used for melee attacks and added defense. Stone Stance attacker/defender rolls +2 and magic rolls -2. Only one stance can be active at a time.

Thrust, Attacker vs Defender, 1 SP

The blade thrusts their weapon through a target’s exposed armor. Thrust deals weapon damage + 1d6 bleeding damage for 3 rounds, bypassing armor soak rate.

Rush, Attacker vs Defender, 1 Fury

The blade does a quick dash two movements in any direction and strikes hard on a target dealing weapon damage to a target they pass. Rush can hit additional targets in their path for 1 fury each.

Wounding Slash, Attacker vs Defender, 1 SP

The blade cripples its target for the round, damaging their ability to attack and defend dealing weapon damage + -1 attacker/defender roll per sp, up to CPB.

Finishing Blow, Attacker vs Defender, 2 Actions + 2 Fury

The blade strikes hard and fast against a weakened target trying to fell it, dealing weapon damage + 1d12 per negative status effect.


Regeneration is the Order of the Blade’s method of healing. Used by the blades to heal over time and revive fallen targets, the healing units of the Order of the Blade are highly valued on the battlefield.

Regeneration, Intelligence + CPB vs Difficulty 16 or Defender, Medium Range

The blade casts heal over time spell that heals the target for 1d4 per MP for 3 rounds. Regeneration can be cast for MP equal to CPB. Blade can cast Regeneration for 2 fury on a target with Regeneration to consume the spell and instantly heal them for twice the healing dice per round.

Cure, Intelligence + CPB vs Difficulty 16 or Defender, Medium Range

The blade can remove status ailments on a target. Cure can be 1 status per MP up to their CPB. Blades can enhance Cure with 1 fury to copy to spell to an additional target per fury.

Resurrection, Intelligence + CPB vs Difficulty 20, 1 MP + Full Round, Medium Range

The blade has a chance to revive a fallen target. The target receives 1d4 health per MP if successful. Blades can enhance Resurrection to reduce the difficulty by 1 per fury spent.

Boost, Intelligence + CPB vs Difficulty 18

The blade restores 1 of a chosen resource to an ally for 1 MP, up to their CPB. The blade can cast Boost with 1 fury restoring 1d4 resources, but fury casting Boost can not be increased.

Order of the Blade Mastery

Masteries among the Order of the Blade are focused on combat stances. The blade can choose Dragon, Stone, or Reed masteries at CPB 2-5. Masters of the Order of the Blade also gain spell precision at CPB 1. Spell precision doubles the Channeled Element for 1 element or the Regeneration dice for healing. Stance abilities can only be performed while in the matching stance.

Dragon Master

Figure 8 Barrage, Intelligence + CPB vs Defender, 5 Fury, Medium Range

The blade quickly launches three channeled bolts dealing combo damage to a target for each one that hits. If dual wielding 2 bolts come from one and 1 bolt from their other weapon.

Air Effect) Critical hits cause 2d4 bleeding damage for 3 rounds.

Fire Effect) Critical hits cause 2d6 fire damage for 3 rounds.

Earth Effect) Critical hits cause knockdown for 2 actions.

Water Effect) Critical hits cause soak for 3 actions.

Ice Effect) Critical hits cause additional 2d4 ice damage, slowing movement by 1/2 for round.

Lightning Effect) Critical hits cause 2 actions stun to target.

Barrier Line, Intelligence + CPB vs Difficulty 20, 3 MP + 3 Actions

The blade creates a 10’ parallel line in the ground 6’ in front of self of a channeled element area of effect damage for 1 round. Deals Channel Element + 3d10 to all targets that pass through it. Only one element can be cast at a time. Casting another Barrier Line dispels the previous one.

Air Effect) Blocks all projectiles that are fired at the line.

Fire Effect) Frightens animals to flee backward 6’.

Earth Effect) Creates a rock wall of obstructed cover for defense.

Water Effect) Targets crossing get thrown into the air dealing 1d6 slam damage.

Ice Effect) Creates an ice wall of obstructed cover for defense.

Lightning Effect) Knocks back any target that enters it and stuns them until barrier fades.

Elemental Bomb, Intelligence + Magic vs Defender, 5 MP + 3 Actions, Medium Range

The blade gathers an intense bolt and hurls it at a target or location to explode in a 12’ radius dealing Channel Element damage + 2d10 to all targets and throwing them back 6’ from epicenter. Only one element can be cast at a time.

Air Effect) Critical hits cause 2d4 bleeding damage for 3 rounds.

Fire Effect) Critical hits cause 2d6 fire damage for 3 rounds.

Earth Effect) Critical hits cause blind to all targets for 3 actions.

Water Effect) Critical hits cause soak to all targets for 3 actions.

Ice Effect) Critical hits cause additional 2d4 ice damage, slowing movement by 1/2 for round.

Lightning Effect) Critical hits cause 2 actions stun to all targets.

Bonus Elemental Precision, Passive Ability

The blade gains a second spell precision with one of the elements.

Stone Master

Fury Strike, Instant Ability, 3 Fury

The blade can spend fury to deal maximum weapon damage to any attack. Fury strike only applies to the weapon damage portion of the attack and any other damage must still be roll.

Multi Slash, Attacker vs Defender, 3 SP

The blade deals weapon damage to all targets within weapon range.

Disarm, Attacker vs Defender, 2 Fury

The blade removes an item from a target's hand forcing it to take an action to recover it.

Blocking Strike, Reactive Ability, Charisma + CPB vs Wisdom + Sense, 3 SP

The blade tricks the target into attacking a weakly defended block in order to off balance it, counter striking, and push the attacker outside of melee range. If Blocking Strike fails the attack continues as normal.

Reed Master

Barrier Heal, Instant Ability

The blade drains their projectile barrier of its remaining strength as health for itself. The barrier cannot be re-cast until the next round.

Chain Regeneration, Instant Ability

After a successful Regeneration, the blade can spend 1 fury per target to spread Regeneration to additional targets. Each target must be within 10' of each other. When casting Regeneration with fury to consume it, the blade can use 2 additional fury per target to consume those spells as well.

Surge, Passive Ability

Whenever the blade performs a critical heal, all their current Regeneration effect get a free additional heal.

Furious Healer, Passive Ability

Whenever the blade uses Fury Boost, their next Regeneration critical chance is increased by 1 per fury spent.

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